Well Ethan is walking better and better. He now goes from the couch to the ottoman to the chair and back to the ottoman. He is so cute and funny to watch. He always has the biggest smile on his face as he is so proud of himself. We are proud of him too.

Bee and I have been trying to get our house back in order since Hurricane Gustav. We didn’t get any damage but the scare of it coming here had us move so much stuff upstairs. We took a part our whole office, put all our albums upstairs. Its a mess. So we are slowly getting things back in order. We have also been trying to get back on track with our editing and we are just about all caught up. Its a good feeling! We get so stressed when we fall behind. Behind to us is like 3 weeks. We know that even that is still really good being some photographers take months and months to deliver images.

Today we bought Ethan a new car seat and so far he seems to really like it. I wanted to make sure he liked it and that I liked it before buying one for Beebe’s car. Then we’ll need a third one for Bee’s parents car. I’ll have to get a picture of him in his new carseat.

We also bought Ethan’s halloween costume and I had to take some pictures of him in it. Its so fricking cute.

3 thoughts on “Hanging Around

  1. As soon as I read the email about his new costume, my first thought was to check the blog! haha I knew there would be picutres. I love it. He’s adorable as always, but that costume is the cutest!

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